Thursday, June 13, 2013

Why The CIA Killed MKO

If you're seeking some novelesque thriller a la Tom Clancy or Robert Ludlum featuring Susan Rice as agent 008, you surely clicked on the wrong URL. Abiola's assassination was much simpler, and over one of the most inconsequential issues, as most would think. But it is, still, a spy story after all.

MKO was friends with the CIA. He'd been very instrumental to some of their missions in Africa carried out in collaboration with MI6 in effecting change of governments which were not very friendly to multi-national companies from the USA and UK. Abiola himself was an asset in the infiltration of the Western capitalist machinery into Africa, and was in fact a board member in a few of those corporations. At the end of the day, when it was time for their friend to head the government of the most important country in Africa, his friends first abandoned, and eventually killed him.

I find it funny that some people still question if, but what worries me more is that no one seems to be asking WHY. I've seen several historians, activists, apologists, and conspiracy theorists paint similar scenarios of how MKO Abiola was killed by American intelligence agents, but none has bothered to give reasons. Does the CIA just flip a coin to decide which wrongfully incarcerated African leader gets to become President, and which one gets sniffed? "One Mandela is enough for one continent"?

To answer the question of why, you have to look at the killing of Patrice Lumumba of the Democratic Republic Of Congo by the same CIA and MI6 duo, replacing him with their preferred Mobutu Sese Seko. Lumuba was secretly blacklisted for a simple statement he made regarding experiments with some socialist elements of governance in his country. That simple word, SOCIALIST, during an era when the USA had no "war against terror", but a war against Socialism and Communism, was what made them kill this great leader.

On Abiola's part, the word which got him on the CIA target list was REPARATIONS. Reparations For Slavery is the call for payment of $777 Trillion to Africa by all those countries who benefited from the Trans-Atlantic Slavery. I don't know how they arrived at that figure, or even if Abiola himself was genuinely interested in their cause, or perhaps he cherished the thought of having shares in a quadrillion dollar settlement, but in December 1990, Abiola convened and sponsored the first world conference on reparations at the Nigeria Institute of International Affairs (NIIA), and by 1992, he had helped in strengthening, and structuring the reparation drive as a official committee of the Organization of African Unity (OAU).

Now, there have been some scattered voices in the USA, The Caribbean and Europe, people descended from slaves who were crying out for reparations, and going to courts, and trying to mobilize others, but they were about to have a central figure in the President of the most populous African nation as their grand patron, then things were about to become very critical.


WHERE DID ABIOLA EXPECT THESE COUNTRIES TO GET $777 TRILLION FROM?! That was what made all these countries pledge him support, yet make no real effort to back him up on his mandate. Of course they did portray some level of concern, but it was all theatrics. They preferred a Babangida, Abacha, Abdulsalam, or Obasanjo, to anybody who would levy a bounty of eternal poverty against them.

1 comment:

  1. Good post. But without any links to factual evidence or corroborating sources, this cannot be taken seriously. It's unfortunate because the article seems to be onto something, but to be credible, subjects such as these need to be sourced (if not at an academic level, then at least at the level of a respectable written publication.)
