Thursday, June 20, 2013

UNITED PEOPLE: A Need To Review Our Collective Power

The nations have all colluded to form a union, the United Nations, where they would chart the destinies of the people to the dictates of various resolutions and charters arrived at, with neither the consent, nor adequate knowledge of their citizens. It's no different from a re-enactment of George Orwell's Animal Farm, albeit, with the farm, and equipment in charge.

Harnessing the powers of the nations, are the multi-national corporations, to cultivate wealth from the labours, and lives of the people, which they leverage the national governments with a vig for every dollar of their exploits.

So the multi-national corporations are the masters of the nations, and the nations themselves are the slave-drivers of the people, who they constitutionally portray as the true master. Then the United Nations Organisation is the slave-drivers' union, or if you like, the 21st century Berlin Conference for the colonization of the people of the whole world.

It is all there in the open. They hide nothing of it. Occasionally, when the government of a nation would fail in substantially subduing its people for optimum exploitation, and extraction of resources by one or more of the recognized multi-national corporations, the entire union would sit to devise a resolution deciding what was best, not for their fellow nation, but supposedly for the people of that nation who had overcome subservience.

This we witnessed in Cuba, Angola, in Iraq, Liberia, Libya, and currently in Syria. These are the nations which have gravely defaulted, either in governments’ inability to steadfastly secure the people for manipulation of the multi-national corporations, or the leaders of such national governments have succeeded in single-handedly oppressing the citizenry to the point where they become selfish or monopolistic about the benefits thereof.

The aforementioned are the countries which the United Nations then passes its almighty resolutions on, to bring the people back into the flock of multi-national slavery, and to install a new national hierarchy in conformity with the duties of the union, and answerable to the masters in what they fondly refer to as “regime change”.

To hang these "rogue nations" though, the United Nations, fronting for the multi-national corporations, resort to their fourth branch which comprise the corporate international media organisations: BBC, CNN, Al Jazeera, CCTV, AP et al, which are in turn nothing more than affiliates of National governments financially indebted to multi-national corporations. This plays a key role in sustaining the vicious cycle of lies, nations' crimes, and the international market price of human lives.

Where does this leave the people? The living factor of production which creates all the wealth it is being used to warred over, constitutes the governments which has turned against it, and runs the corporations which is determined to milk it to death. What’s in it for the people?

As things stand right now, we are but sheep scattered amongst several lost shepherds, waiting to be laid on the butcher’s table, yet our demise is the price we pay for failing to organize. Both the governments and the corporations derive the great powers and wealth they wield from organizing the people into large enough complexes for their exploitation. They have also organized themselves into international organizations where they exchange ideas with, and provide support to one another in their quest to keep us enslaved.

People have remained too pre-occupied, too selfish, careless, and impoverished to bother themselves about uniting on a global scale to proactively nurture and protect the single most valuable entity on this planet; humanity. There’s also adequate media programming being developed to brainwash the people into enjoying their vegetative state.

Wedges of race, class, culture, tribe, religion, and most of all, nationality have been used by the slavers to set the people of this earth asunder. The question of nationality is most amusing as seen in nations who have people of the same race, class, culture, tribe and religion, yet would be prevented from communicating with, moving to, caring for one another, by their governments, simply on the basis of some invisible geographical border.

We’re already at that point where people are becoming disillusioned with the farce of national pride. The greed of the governments of these nations and the executives of the multinational corporations is what will push them into sparking the people to action.   When people are over-taxed to bailout multi-billion dollar companies where they are over-worked and under-payed, questions begin to be asked, and tempers rise beyond breaking point.

In Brazil, Spain, France, Greece, USA, Turkey, Nigeria, Pakistan, the people have expressed their dissatisfaction on the streets of their nations, yet protests, rallies and demonstrations, have never been, and will never be the solution. They are simply avenues to appeal to our slave-drivers and slave masters into considering our situation. However, things have gone far beyond appealing for our rights to earn from our production, and be served by our public servants.

It’s time for the people to take action, not by protesting, nor by rebellion, but by uniting and organizing into the greatest, strongest, and wealthiest entity in existence. For us to break our shackles, we must all come together, disregarding all the barriers which have been forced upon us by our own public servants who have gone astray to serve a master no more than the creation of our own hands.

We had sent a message to these nations in 1948 where we declared our human rights, and they accepted, and enshrined it as their most sacred charter. Today, there is indeed no section of that Human Rights Declaration which is not vagrantly abused by every member of the United Nations.

It is far too due for us to send another message to the UN, and this time around, it won’t be in the form of a strongly worded letter, but an unleashing of the power of our unity across all of their illusionary borders. We, the people, must unite with the same zeal which we protest in the streets, with the same sacrifice which as rebels we fight, and we must speak with one voice, and act with one force, against any nation, anywhere in the world which chooses to wreck its recklessness against any single one of us.

When a nation unleashes terror on the people who own it, we must not wait for its co-nations to decide if to act, and how to act, but must ourselves begin to take action against such a nation. If  a child is being arrested and mentally tortured in the USA, and you're in Canada, or Mexico, go into the United States of America, and move other people who are ready to fight against such an oppressive regime. Retirees are being stripped of their pensions in India, and you're in Pakistan, or Bangladesh, take up their struggle as your own.

People from all over the world have to start accessing one another to help. The nations will get terrified, and they will certainly try, via their affiliated media channels, to transfer that fear to the people by highlighting security issues, and cultural differences, but we're way past that gimmick now. If they attempt to employ immigration restrictions, invite people over or leave.

The world has changed a lot, and the people have always borne the brunt of this change...not the corporations, and definitely not the government. There came a need to create governments to serve humanity, however, as government continues to grow a mind and mission of its own, compulsion falls on us to review the powers which we vested in our governments. The greatest power in this world resides in the people, but we can only wield it together. Let's start now.

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