Monday, June 24, 2013

The Second Lagos MakeUp Fair (#LMUF2)

Being a man who's in recent time been completely re-minded (changed my mind) about my stand on the use and abuse of makeup, it was quite a task getting my butt out to attend the Second Lagos MakeUp Fair, tagged...or should I say 'hastagged' #LMUF2.

Of course I had to show support like I always do with anything original Nigerian, but makeup, for me, has become a subject of much debate. I've gone from taking pride in my basic instinct of differentiating the chic lady on the basis of her perfectly applied makeup, to this point in time when I can't even recognize my own homegirl on her wedding day.

So I got to the Anchor Events Place quite late, but I was glad I did. I got to learn that just as we had highly skilled quacks in the music and movie industries in Nigeria, and the world at large, who con the general public by seemingly giving them what they want, similarly do they exist in the beauty and makeup industry promising to make their clients look exactly like people they're not.

Despite my unforgivable lateness to the fair, the kiosks still open included Sleek, B. Lavida, Lise, House of Tara, Taries World, Mattra Costmetics, Bellezza Faces, Lindoir, Deva Petals, and Nyx, and they did have more than a word for me regarding the new direction the Nigerian makeup industry was taking, and also demonstrated on-hand how much the professionals were ever keen on enhancing beauty, not transmogrifying women into unidentifiable physical personas.

I had a wonderful time, though not as much as I should've...blame it on my "African timing". Enjoy the photos I took personally...I'll add some more as soon as I can poach from Millare. By the way, I saw lots of guys at the fair buying makeup O! Anyway, that definitely is a matter for another blog post.


  1. where were you? I was at the fair all day at the Gifty's Daughter stand (the one with the huge NYX stand), infact I am in the picture you have here. You didn't stop by to say hi. No fair!

  2. Awww! I showed up at the event quite late, had to hurriedly take some photos, as everyone was packing up.
