Friday, June 28, 2013


As a Social Media Marketer, I come across several clients who need to get Nigerian blogs, and news sites to review their products and services, which I never hesitate to direct them to eiher Nairaland or Bella Naija as the most effective websites for getting the highest click-through rates, and most honest comments.

Some clients prefer to get on gossip sites like or Linda Ikeji Blog despite my reservations and reasons. Naij has recently made themselves popular for using Russian hackers to redirect Etisalat subscribers to their homepage at some point, and Linda Ikeji is known amongst bloggers for her horde of hired hands, using multiple identities, and devices to post dozens of comments and spark irrelevant arguments, not forgetting her vicious fabrications euphemised as idle gossip.

A Port Harcourt based artiste, M-Kaze, recently consulted with Bar Baric Entertainment for promotional services, for which among several bloggers and micro-bloggers, his label chose Linda Ikeji.

All the bloggers sent invoices and were pre-paid. By 9:41am on the next day, Tuesday, 18th June, 2013, Linda Ikeji was paid N50,000 (Fifty Thousand Naira) in line with her quotation, which indicated that the AD would be posted in 48 hours.

Aside from the fact that Linda Ikeji Blog could not accept a brief from which they were supposed to write their own unique story, but requested a full pre-written press release, things really started getting awry when by Thursday evening, the client called to complain that their AD had not been posted.

All avenues were employed in getting in touch with Linda Ikeji, and her staff, yet to no avail. Eventually, she was sighted on Twitter tweeting links from her blog, and a tweet was sent to her demanding the AD be set up immediately. Instantly, we received a call promising that the press release on M-Kaze would be posted "first thing tomorrow morning" (Friday).

On Saturday, at noon, another call was placed to the Linda Ikeji team, after the advertorial had not showed up the entire morning. They claimed they were having difficulties posting the link to M-Kaze's video. Knowing quite well that the same link had been posted by more than 15 other blogs, yet eager to avoid debates which would further delay the promotion, the root URL to the video was provided within the hour. Still, same link was still being requested over, and over again, via various channels, till 5pm on Sunday. At that point, we had to specifically request that the AD was not posted on a Sunday, since Sundays had the least internet activity. They agreed, claiming we'd see our advert on Monday.

All this while, I was dealing with tens of calls of lamentations, and threats of contract termination from my clients, most of the calls I made to the Linda Ikeji contact number were either cut off, or unanswered. When eventually, I would contact them via text or Twitter with a strongly worded message, they'd give me a very brief call, claiming they've been driving, and making more promises for "first thing tomorrow morning" again.  I began to visualize Linda Ikeji and her staff akin to Dangote truck drivers.

By Monday night, everyone had become fed up with the routine of the Linda Ikeji "first thing tomorrow" antic. The AMA Sound CEO who had never called me directly, did so at this time, requesting that the article be withdrawn and our payment be refunded. A text message was sent again to Linda Ikeji after which her which a call was put through to us for consolation, but after hearing that we were inconsolable, they agreed to make the refund, again, "first thing tomorrow morning". They even sent us a text message urging us to collect the money physically, like though we could just walk into our computer, unto Linda Ikeji's blogspot.

Even though there was no refund made to our account first thing in the morning of Tuesday 25th, 2013, as usual, the surprise however, was that no payment was made at all, even by 4pm. This time around, a call to Linda Ikeji was not taken lightly, as the receiver of the call made it clear she was not the person, Linda Ikeji, but the Business Manager of the blog, and that she had better things to do than repaying our money. Going ahead to use several expletives in referring to us.

Wednesday, still no refund, yet an additional feature now was a claim that our N50,000 had been refunded.

On Thursday, 27th June, I had made clear that this incidence of Advance Fee Fraud would be first reported to GTBank, then the EFCC, and finally, the Police. Several threats and insults were hurled from the Linda Ikeji camp.

Linda Ikeji herself who had come in direct contact with the client, AMA Sound, and made a claim that no money was ever paid into her account regarding their promo. Instantly, she effected the transfer (5:04pm, Thursday, 27th June, 2013).

The purpose of publishing this incidence is primarily to make a call to all upcoming artistes and entrepreneurs who have fallen for this Linda Ikeji Promo Fraud to come forward. Obviously, threats have been made to them but with the necessary courage, they will be recompensed. Secondly, I want to make it absolutely clear to everyone who may be mutual acquaintances to myself and the culprit, that for making me lose such a valuable client, I'm suing herself, and her entire establishment for breach of contract, and seeking punitive damages against Linda Ikeji, and the Linda Ikeji Blog.

Nejeeb Bello

Bar Baric Media


  1. Its bad enough that our so called celebrity bloggers/image makers have no regards whatsoever in tarnishing their image.This should be the last for her,and should pay dearly for inconveninces meted out

  2. Haba!So Linda Ikeji is a fraud,a liar and a cheat? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
    Thank God social networking is so good now because if I was told this gist by mouth I won't have believed but the facts are there so she can't even deny it! Why do people allow things get to their head??? Who knew Linda Ikeji b4 now??? Why can't people be humble? What legacy will she leave behind? Don't know why am shocked because I actually read an untrue story on her blog last week...I knew the person involved what Linda said was totally a trailer load of LIES!!!...*Thumbs down smiley* for u Linda Ikeji...*smh

  3. Fake + fraud + liar + chaet = Linda Ikeji!
    She should know the people to mess around with from now on! This should go viral Barbaric please! So people can know who they are dealing with! Ole buruko Linda....mtsewwwwwwwww

  4. Linda linda! Easy o! We also have to feed! This is the reason your blog is filled with hate!

  5. Really disappointing, unbelieveable!!!

  6. A friend of mine had the same thing happen to her. She paid LIB 50k for a post, after a couple of days after it was confirmed by Linda or one of her staff that she had received payment still no post, several attempts were made to reach Linda Ikeji to no avail, almost a week after payment and calling mutual friends to reach out to Linda she was eventually able to speak to Linda herself, and Miss Ikeji was very rude to her, saying if she wanted her money back she'd give it back, and that the client should stop harassing her.

    Another social media marketer also had the same issue where Linda took forever to post her client's story after payment. Now with Bar Baric's experience with her, this is the 3rd LIB fraud incident I'm hearing about in 2 months.

    I would expect she of all people knowing the power of the internet would be aware of how quickly this kind of story can get round and ruin her name. I bet she doesn't try this crap with the multination corporations that advertise with her.

  7. Na wa o. Please permit me to run with this story!

    1. YOu're permitted Cynthia, as long as you do not add or subtract from it. You're welcome to share.

    2. @Najeeb, kindly delete my comment of appreciation... Twas meant for my FB page..... It somehow got mixed up when I followed @OlekuBuzz's link to this site. Thanks for understanding.

    3. @OlekuBuzz, I've seen your effort at spreading this message. It shall be well with you

      @Anonymous, It's been deleted. No worries.

    4. @Najeeb can i also publish this on i believe people have to know about this..And trust me to generate traffic with it to my blog..permission please?

    5. Excuse me ppl, I called Linda immediately I read this story and she told me to disregard the story and its threat. We have heard about this issue from the complainant, we haven't heard from Linda. There are always two sides to every issues between ppl. We should exhibit caution here. Am not supporting her, please read my lips carefully, wise ppl don't base their judgement hearing from one side only. I will advise Najeeb to take things easy and don't be carried away with euphoria of having a good lawyer, Linda dines with the best professionals you could ever imagine. I am being objective here, this is not how to change the current face of this country, you shouldn't settle dispute with dispute. I understand she has paid you back the 50k, so what, let the matter rest. It is not the end end of the world for you. And if truly Linda has been rude all the way, I advice her to turn a leaf. Pride don't take people anywhere no matter how far one would have gone in life.

  8. Let me say categorically that the best you can accuse her of is negligence. Not Fraud.

    Linda Ikeji has run a promo for my Brand.

    She did this based on us giving out our product in a competition and true to form insisted we created all the text and send to her so she could post.

    She refused to take possession of the phones and said we should give them out ourselves.

    We had to call Linda for a few days before the post finally went up. She responded and was always promising to get it done but it took a little while.

    The person who had gone to discuss with her commented on how busy she was and how she was inundated with requests on the phone by email etc.

    You are an unhappy customer and should exercise your right to take your business elsewhere. But to allege fraud?? That's a bit far fetched. She may just be overwhelmed and disorganised at best. Resolve this amicably if you can.

    I however understand your anger but advise that you do not let it impair your judgement.

    Warm Regards bro

    1. Respect man! This is obviously what happened from my observance of the whole event! She's not organized and might have had a whole lot of work or posts on her hands. If she was fraudulent as claimed, the refund won't be issued.

    2. Hello Sola, and Anonymous, how then would you explain her telling my client that I never paid any money into her account for the promotion? I guess that could also be classified as negligence.

    3. Hello Najeeb please we at ndi igbo fb page need to have a chat with you. contact us via our fb inbox at:


    4. Najeeb, how come you do not have a facebook page or even email or phone contact and you are a media consultant? It has been hard for us to reach you please give us your phone number.

    5. Actually, all my details are even on this blog, but you have to seek before you can find. I'll send a message to your Facebook Page.

    6. I agree with you Sola, you hit the nail right on the head. Najeeb, you are SERIOUSLY over reacting. Or is there any beef with you and Linda you have not fully opened up about?

    7. Mud slinging will get u nowhr. Linda cannot defraud of 50,000 . As youths let s learn to celebrate one another even in d face of our liitle mis understanding,i am sure there r better ways to resolve this,u hv only succeded in making urself little in my eyes,i wld hv expected this sort of re action from a woman

    8. I am pretty new to this debate but I would like to say that it is not impossible for Linda Ikeji to commit a 50k fraud. My sister was recently defrauded of 70k by Sylvia Nduka when she sold fake human hair to my sister from her line of Human Hair. I posted it and even tweeted it but nothing has been done. Meanwhile she holds a beauty pageant where the winners take home 1m, 500k & 350k respectively. What do you call that?
      Apparently, some 'celebrities' don't mind having their names tarnished and their reputations destroyed at all.
      Thank you

    9. This Najeeb guy is funny. Just take Sola's advice. that is the way you are suppose to have put the story to us not tell us she scammed u or wanted to scam u.

    10. Hello people, it is not wise to say Nejeeb is overreacting. Linda Ikeji should deal with the consequences of being disorganized or too busy. She could have refused to take the brief. It saddens me because this is her business. you can imagine her attitude if she was working for an organization... Her attitutde can't be tolerated anywhere in the world and i wonder why we have to put up with a lot of shit all in the name of sentiments. We are all responsible for our actions... and i guess she has not taken time out to apologize to Nejeeb... A pub;lic apoogy would douse a lot of tension but of course she feels too proud to do anything of the sort. Nejeeb, please take whatever action you want to.

    11. Wow. This whole thing sounds like a frustrating debacle. It was unprofessional of she and her team. I would have suspended/terminated any of my staff if they were that rude to a client. Again, very unprofessional. It is wrong for anyone, no matter how busy, to take money from someone and not deliver within considerable time. Anyone that operates a solid business knows to always keep your clients happy. No matter how busy she is, her task was to simply create an space for a paying client. This task takes all of 5 minutes. It was fraudulent to conduct her business this way. N50k is not a lot of money to many of you it seems, but for me 1kobo is something. Every little thing adds up to something.

      "fraud is intentional deception made for personal gain or to damage another individual; the related adjective is fraudulent, and verb is defraud."

      In Nigeria, people are so used to taking nonsense, so when nonsense happens, they shrug their shoulders and accept it. Sola Kuti, you had your own problems with her also, even though it was not to this extent, it was still wrong of her to delay a promised transaction. In my line of work, when customers make payments, we either deliver, exchange or refund. Simple! I have had clients call and insult me for transactions that had nothing to do with money. It is business! When clients are unhappy, simply massage them and quickly solve the problem that same minute. In our case, we even add jara to make sure they come back for more. Again, simply business, and in order to make sure such does not occur to others, creating informing the public of her actions is a good step.

      Thank you! I was about to hire her for a new brand recently launched for the mass market, and the light you just shined for me is bright enough. Many thanks!

  9. hmmmm, well i dont see this as a case of fraud cos the money is quite small 50k , it all boils down to neglegence or misconception. and no one is above mistake.

    1. No money is small. Always know that. Even 10 naira is not small. The only people that think that a certain amount is small are those who have no respect for money and who do not work hard for it. Try looking for 10 naira and you don't have and you will know that it is not small. And don't assume only poor people lack 10 naira, it can happen to anyone.

    2. So your definition of fraud is based on small money? Define "small money" A widow's might is valued more than a rich man's chicken change. Dont tell me you go about defrauding people of N50,000 and you see it as nothing. Dont make irrational and unguarded comment that N50,000 is "small money" therefore its not fraud. Truth is I dont blame Najeeb for his reaction. I blame Linda for action which is very wrong. She should be more professional and take responsibility. Many aspiring bloggers look up to her and this is the muh4uckn lesson they get?!

    3. i totally agree with u, fraudulence is not defined by the amount of money at stake, and i dont think any1 has reason to hate on linda ikeji, plus there's proof of everything that went down.
      lets call a spade a spade nd use this medium to correct vices.
      linda ikeji constantly berates other people on her blog so,m sure she'd expect the same wen she does wrong.

  10. ABEGI even if it is 1k, it is still fraud! Please lets standup for what is true and just. Thats why naija is what it is today, because good people watch silently as bad people destroy our land. Who knows how many people this has happened to, and they have kept quiet whilst Linda Ikeji got away with it. Linda's problem is greed. If you are not ready to run an advert, tell the customer to wait a week or two, then collect money and run the advert. But she wants to collect immediately and run the ad a week or two later. Greedy ass woman! And by the way I believe Linda pays people to comment, becos some of the comments on Linda's blog are just plain stupid so it makes sense they are not real.

    1. I am one of LIB(Linda Ikeji blog) readers and I am not paid to comment on her blog,how possible is that beefer?

    2. Lol @ pay people to comment.. That is soooo wrong, I comment daily on LIB and I know how many people have introduced to LIB so forget.. U can accuse her of negligence or whatever but not Fraud.. I rest my case

    3. This all could be a case of a failed business plan headed by inexperienced hands or something they did not foresee happening, that said there is no excuse for collecting money and not delivering the service when promised because the other party could be losing out a great deal from the inept services put up LIB's camp. Where they got it all wrong is posting and posting and posting this people and not giving them the option of making other plans elsewhere as soon as possible, when they knew they could not deliver as promised, so i agree that this inconsiderate action on there part should be taken seriously and the company properly investigated by EFCC because money has changed hands, so as to get to the bottom of the whole issue both sides has to tell their story.

    4. at the 2 lib's above, dont bring ur negative lib attitude here!!!! so far everybody commenting has been civil.
      also note that nobody said linda ikeji makes ALL the comments on her blog but that she's been known to comment behind different facades, so even if you know a hundred regular visitors/"commentors" it dosent negative the fact!
      thank u

    5. Which u are doing now,do u tink we dnt that it was u mojeed bello that bn posting most of the anonymous comment,see let me tell u linda don go far,deres notin u can do abt it!

  11. Even if its 5kobo go steal am nah! To u 50k is nothing but to many its something and maybe u don't work hard enough to get your money but pple dat do ve value of every 1kobo. U can go to GT bank and tell dem to pay in the money to u, that u paid it into d wrong acct, they can reduct it from her acct. Take hrt. Plsease let's think well b4 talking cos if na u, u no go tk am easy

  12. Linda! Linda!! Linda!!!! I have refused 2 believe ds despite d plain facts. Chai! Linda if tis truly true, u just lost a biiiig fan!!! *sobs

  13. The truth is that this a clear breach of contract and is very bad for business, especially small ones. The man has a very strong case, and that is without including the fact that there is an alleged slander added to it.
    I think Linda and her camp should call this guy and settle with him before she ends up spending more than the 50k that caused this issue.

  14. Best comment - Sola Kuti -
    Mr Najeeb Bello, please settle this in-house, u already got one useful thing out of this mess- ur blog/name is famous.
    Fraud is completely out of it. Plus long before now, Linda herself keeps complaining that she has loads of outstanding issues to attend to and keeps apologising via twitter.
    We are human, we miscalculate and make some bad Decisions, and u both made in this instant.
    Settle this and you guys can even 'Collabo'

    Kemi O

  15. Wat ppl fail to understand is dat Linda doesn't have an organised company or real team she pays n works wit.her blog promotes a lot of hate n dbanj is payin her more money so she can afford to use ppl's money to trade or fixed deposit, get interest n den return after d tenor is complete.thr r many blogs promoting music n stuff. If u go to a post on celebs u see a lot of comments but if its a post on a service, ideas or product, the owners demselves go there to post. Linda Ikeji's audience is not your target market for music,360nobs,notjustok and d rest is there. Learn people,learn!

    Also,make sure u sue her ass for emotional discomfort as I'm sure u"l feel very low durin d time she was uploadin tins n wasn't uploadin urs, also sue her for harrassment via the media. Sue her for 2m. She will feel it.believe me.

    Linda,becareful,cos moni isn't evrytg. Otherwise ur ass n stuff wil b open here. And also,go back to I said money isn't evrytg.

  16. Well done Najeeb! You have been very sincere in your narration. It may be only 50k bucks that is in question but hey, the take-away here is poor customer service. I actually saw the smarting tweets Miss Linda posted on her twitter handle and I think that makes her sound rather very silly! Even if it is 1Naira, for goodness sake you promised to deliver; DELIVER the service is all you got to do! I remember when she acquired a new car, she told it to the highest heavens that Hardwork got her where she is and ofcourse she boasted to integrity; but truth be told, if she let's ego and "I've arrived-attitude" get in the way, there would sure be fewer cars amongst others to celebrate. Mr. Najeeb, I like your candidness and maturity in handling this whole issue... Nigerians it is time we stood for SERVICE- excellent service delivery; if you take another man's hard earned Kobo and promise to deliver a job please be fair enough to do so...and if for any reason you get overwhelmed by the routine, be honest enough to communicate your challenges without loosing your clients! My 1kobo, ofcourse!

  17. So sorry for what happened to you.
    Its really sad that someone should be treated like this just because a service was to be rendered.
    N50,000 might be small to people but as long as money has been received to do a job, the job has to be done and as when the client demands.
    All this shows a lack of customer appreciation by Linda Ikeji's crew..

  18. I was shocked when I read this. It's sad. Sorry for the troubles sir

  19. Let a spade be called a spade and no other name!
    people should stop supporting what is wrong!
    LIB is a business woman, so can go any length to keep her blog relevant!
    She is getting proud, and pride comes before a fall!
    What does it take to plead with the client to be patient with her, that she has so much on her desk, than talking like a tailor or mechanic that would be telling you tomorrow, tomorrow, and the tomorrow would not come!
    Because she thinks 50k is too small to disturb her? I don't blame her, but people who like to ass-lick.
    She forgets nothing last forever.
    Take corrections, and get down from your high-horse and apologize linda!
    I hope best blogger of the year does not go to you!

  20. Hi Kemi, thank you for your very reasonable words, if the Linda Ikeji camp had written or spoken the way yourself, Sola Kuti, and a couple more others are doing right now, things wouldn't have devolved to this level. However, if I post the words they spoke to me on the phone here, you would not read this blog with ease.

    In terms of popularizing my blog, I'm afraid you do not understand that I was the one who promoted this story by myself to more than 60,000 people in a day. It's what I do, and I'm also controlling the spread of it to make sure it doesn't reach people who know neither myself, no Linda. My blog is not commercial. I even disabled Google ADSense in order to prevent Dieziani Allison from advertising her propaganda on here. So, it's not a good thing.

    It would not be a fraud if Linda Ikeji had not claimed that she paid back money into my account at the time she had not, and also told my client that she never collected any money from me, when indeed she had.

    My anger is in imagining how many young, cash-strapped upcoming artistes this same ploy has been pulled on, and by God, I will get justice for them!


    1. To 60,000 people?how come you didn't promote the story HERE?:(
      Seriously now,can we atleast hear Linda's side of the story?She should have something to say to all of these accusations.

  21. Najeeb Bello na u even get time dey reply. Linda is a thief and nothing buh a fraudster. It has happened to my friend before we both in London n I told her about linda's blog just for her to pay Linda and Linda didn't do anything. Instead of the 40year old skinny thing to look for how she will get married she dey fraud other people up and down. God don catch u.

    If you come under my comment to chat rubbish oriburuku ma se e ni

    1. Please let your friend contact me. I want to gather at least 10 people who have fallen victim to this new 419 scheme. They will be over-compensated. My lawyer is one of the best in the world.

  22. Facts of the case.

    Linda got paid for a job but didn't deliver.

    Linda did not refund the money in a timely fashion as requested.

    Linda allegedly represented to nejeebs ex clients that nejeeb made no payment on their behalf

    These actions led to nejeeb losing projected revenue streams from said ex client as well as potential clients the former could have referred.

    Not to mention the bad word of mouth that will travel around.

    Based on the alleged misrepresentation, a case can be made taking into consideration the implication of such an action.

    Fraud, maybe, but not likely. Slander arising from misrepresentation for which damages and legal fees can be sought, most likely.

    One thing is allegedly apparent here. The linda ikeji blog presents as a passionately unprofessional establishment.

    All parties can take lessons from this. Every experience is an opportunity to learn and grow.

  23. This is Dare Job, right? Nice to have you here. You summarized things the way they should be. You forgot to add Breach Of Contract.

    Thanks for the words.

  24. Yup. Na me o.

    Well per the breach matter it could be argued that returning the money covers that.

    Unless it can be established that her not posting cost you more than can be reinstated by her refunding the money. I believe you can prove this, separate from the alleged slander matter.

    For you and I, the lesson here is contracts. Draft, Vet, Sign then transact.

  25. This is funny but stupid from Linda. Indeed mr Nejeeb have saved me some embrassement thanks to my fiancee who sent me ur link as I was thinking on contacting her for ån advert for the company I work for. My hëåd is saved from unnecessary talk. Plz mr Najeeb deal with her accordingly and so it serves as å caution for her stupidity. If she compains of been too busy then she should quit what brought her fame and wealth abi na by force to blog and make others feel uncomfortable by ur business sense? Disappointed in her.

  26. Mr Najeeb or whatever you are called. this is your own version of what transpired between you and Ms Ikeji. You just made the whole story juicy so it'll favour you. The truth is that you only showed us screen munches from linda, what about your screen munches of the messages you sent. All this your story is one sidedand crap.

    1. well then get Linda to say something na! abi u are her bark dog?

    2. Linda's dogs. Mediocres ...... the entire lot.

    3. Capital FOOLS. just hating people for nothing.#scumbags#

  27. Whoops!! I am not suprised. Most Nigerians don have the capability, wisdom and maturity to handle fame and success. Imagine, the hassle N50,000 has caused because of someone's stupidity. very very sad.

  28. am very disappointed with linda...if you continue like this,you will soon be a noboby

  29. It saddens me that nobody even states that pay by post by itself it wrong and should not be encouraged by Nigerians. It is ridiculous and greedy from a blogger who makes million from AD's to still be charging 50k per post!
    I dare say if Nigerians own facebook or tweeter we would be charging ₦2 per click, posts or mentions. I sympathise with you dear blogger but you are part of the rot in the system by encouraging and abetting such corruption.
    Pls AD rates are and should be enough for bloggers let's join hand to let these greedy blogs die a natural death.
    Thank you.

  30. The sooner marketers and promoters discover that it's only about 30% of Linda's blog readers that get to see their product, the sooner they'll be wise enough to realise that they are actually wasting their money. About 70% of the readers do so with their phones, and the adverts do not reflect on the phones. Only computers...... Linda knows this, but still feeds off the fraud. If you have money to throw away, then you can market there.

  31. This is a breach of contract issue. Returning the money does not suffice as putting linda in the clear. The aggrieved party certainly has a right to sue for damages.

    The allegation of fraud will hold fort if he can prove that Linda intended from the onset to obtain the money under false pretence. This is provable from the exchange of messages. Her claim to have posted the blog while not doing so and also claims to have made payment when same hadn't been done can infer grounds for fraudulent behavior.

    Establishing fraudulent intent here is very probable.

    My advice to many like linda is, keep your business well structured. Tort law in Nigeria will become prominent in years to come and acts of sloppiness will cost individuals and corporates alike, a whole lot of money.

  32. I see no fraud intended by Linda Ikeji Blog in this matter...its just a case of communication gap or negligence on the part of Linda Ikeji if what you have said is factual.

  33. I see Linda's minions have found their way here with their 'LIBer' mentality. The IQ average in that her blog is so incredibly low!

    It is more than the 50,000naira here. This fellow lost a very valuable client. That's much more than any 50,000naira. How annoying do you expect it to be when you lose a valuable client for your business because of the terrible work ethics of another? You guys talking trash obviously do not run any businesses.

    Then again, Nigerians have become so used to poor service and even worse customer service that you have decided to make excuses on Linda's behalf. If I pay for a service, 50k or not, I must get my service. That is just a simple contract. One many Nigerians find so hard to comprehend.

    An apology from her camp is only in order. But obviously, she's too made to do that.

    And please, this is a simple case of a breach of contract. Mr Nejeeb has a very strong case. 50,000naira or not.

  34. If everything you have posted, along with the evidence is true, then its best for Linda to make amends. I think the lady herself should have tried to meet your needs. Its perhaps her staff that are incompetent.

    I also agree that the price paid does not matter. It is very important to keep your clients happy whether they pay 10kobo. Ones integrity is also important.

    This careless attitude is just typical for many Nigerian businesses. I paid for a ticket online on behalf of my dad with Arik back in March and they never issued the ticket. My dad got to the airport and their staff kept giving excuses till he had to buy another ticket. I wrote them and keep writing them. They keep saying either 'send the details of the transaction' or 'we will soon credit your account' as a response. Their phone numbers just ring all day, no one picks up. I am fed up with them.

    I hope you and Linda can come to a mutually beneficial resolution

    1. @Mena Stop writing to them and get your lawyer to demand the ticket price + interest as well as the cost of hiring a lawyer. That's the only way they will start taking you serious and pay up.

    2. thanks for the tip, Anon, especially now that they are blaming interswitch.

      @Author: Hope you were able to resolve things with Linda.Like I wrote before, if Linda had handled your demands herself, i bet she would have met your needs, its perhaps her staff that are incompetent.

  35. you are very stupid najeeb, you removed my comment because I told the truth. Bring on your case, I PROMISE YOU, YOU WILL FAIL.

    1. Hmmmm...e don set o. This na Linda dey respond? Sure sounds like her. Time to get the popcorn and watch this unfold.

    2. Najeeb, you for nor delete wetin Linda talk na. Oya undelete am make we read jor.


  37. if she had put up the post and other party had delayed the payment the way she did with series of excuses, don't you think linda would have even done something worse than what this Nejeeb guy did? how would linda have taken it? prolly the same way, prolly not.... selah

  38. Is this the last we will hear of this? Cos it seems to have died down.

  39. Pele mojeed,stop hiding under anonymous to comment, I pity u o,but try n be real,and to all ur family n friends wey the comment tell dem to drink cold water,God shall return all ur loss!

  40. check out this website

  41. Your candle will not get any brighter if you put out the light from another person's candle...why do you Nigerians delight in pulling others down simply because you want to discredit her blog and promote yours....shame... LINDA will keep growing and you will keep trailing her....nonsense
